Client alerts
AMLO Sends Bill Completely Overhauling Mexico’s Power Sector
AMLO Counterreform (power sector) (ENG)
AMLO Counterreform (power sector) (ENG)
Client Alert – Changes to RGCE for 2020 and RMF for 2021 (esp-eng) v3
Client Alert -Publicación de la Modificación para el onboarding digital (SOFOM y SOFIPO) (VF)
Lineamientos informe de auditoría con propuesta CONAMER
Client Alert – SEDATU Proposes Regulation on Land Use and Surface Occupation (esp-eng) v2
Client Alert – Amendments to the Guidelines on EP Plans and Programs (esp-eng) v2
Client Alert – Amparo vs LIE (Esp-eng)
Client Alert – Cambios a Disp Técnicas Gas Natural Asociado (esp – eng) v1
Client Alert – regreso presencial de la Administración Pública Federal
Client Alert – CRE Order that determines Max Prices LPG (SPA-ENG)