Alertas para clientes
La CRE da cumplimiento a reforma a la Ley de Hidrocarburos en materia de regulación asimétrica
Client Alert – CRE Cancels Asymmetric Regulation
Client Alert – CRE Cancels Asymmetric Regulation
Se Publica Reforma a Transitorio 13 de la LH (esp – eng)
Client Alert – Expiration of CRE Permits
Client Alert – Anteproyecto Disposiciones Registro STPS Outsourcing v2
Amendments to the Hydrocarbons Law are Published (SPA and ENG) May 4 2021
Amendment to the Federal Labor Law (Outsourcing) April 2021
Nota Reforma Transitorio 13 de la LH (esp – eng) v3
Client Alert – Proposed Amendments to the Guidelines on EP Plans and Programs v3
Client Alert – LIE Amendments Suspended Update March 22